Ashirbekova Kuralai Zhumakhanovna
Head of the Department, Medical Center, high-class doctor, gerontologist
The therapeutic department of the Republican Clinical Hospital for Veterans of the Patriotic War is a multidisciplinary department.
Since its inception and to this day, within the department it turns out qualified medical care and is carried out comprehensive treatment aimed at achieving optimal health and well-being of our patients.
The department employs:
Manager, 2 doctors,
12 nurses and 5 orderlies
The therapy department
has 60 beds
Located on
the 3rd – 4th floors
of the hospital
Every year, this unit of the Hospital treats more than 1,600 patients with therapeutic diseases: Coronary heart disease, Hypertension, Diabetes mellitus, Ischemic cardiomyopathy, Chronic gastritis, Chronic cholecystitis, COPD, bronchial asthma, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis.
The department is provided with sufficient quantities of necessary medicines (antimicrobial agents, antiallergic agents, “anti-shock first aid kit”,
drugs for relieving attacks of bronchial asthma, crystalloid and colloid solutions, anticoagulants and fibrinolytics, vitamins, etc.).
Also, the department is provided with sufficient quantities of consumables – disposable syringes, IV systems, catheters for peripheral veins, gloves.
For whom?
The department receives treatment for disabled people and WWII participants, internationalist soldiers, people who participated in the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (LPII-Ch), residents of the Semey region (a region of increased radiation risk), people who served in the military in the high radiation risk zone of the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site (LPII-S).
Hospitalization is carried out as planned according to referrals from all regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Department fund
Experienced staff have extensive experience and the necessary skills in diagnosing and treating diseases in older people.
All specialists have qualification certificates.
Doctors and nursing staff regularly undergo advanced training courses and learn new skills.
Ashirbekova Kuralai Zhumakhanovna
Head of the Department, Medical Center, high-class doctor, gerontologist
Ainur Abakova
General practitioner, cardiologist
Baynazarova Sara Kalmurzaevna
general practitioner (valeologist, epidemiologist, statistician, methodologist)
Baltabay Mоldir Berykovyna
head nurse