
Rights and responsibilities of patients

— The patient has the right to receive information about his rights and obligations, the services provided, the cost of paid services, as well as the procedure for their provision.

— The right to be treated with dignity in the process of diagnosis, treatment and care, respect for one’s cultural and personal values.

— The right to receive medical care in a priority manner determined solely on the basis of medical criteria, without the influence of any discriminatory factors.

— The right to choose or replace the attending physician or medical organization providing medical care within the guaranteed volume of free medical care.

— The right to notification that a medical organization is conducting audio and (or) video surveillance and recording.

— The right to support from family, relatives and friends, as well as ministers of religious associations.

— The right to relieve suffering to the extent that the existing level of medical technology allows.

— The right to receive an independent opinion about the state of one’s health and to hold a consultation.

— Other rights provided for by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

— Take measures to preserve and strengthen your health.

— Show respect and tact when communicating with medical workers.

— Inform the doctor all the information necessary for diagnosis and treatment of the disease, after giving consent to medical intervention, strictly follow all the instructions of the attending physician.

— Comply with internal regulations and take care of the property of the medical organization, cooperate with medical personnel when receiving medical care.

— Promptly inform medical workers about changes in your health status during diagnosis and treatment, as well as in cases of diseases that pose a danger to others, or suspicion of them.

— Do not commit actions that violate the rights of other patients. — Perform other duties provided for by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.